New Poster

There was some confusion about getting this done and it may not be the "official" poster for the latest production, but I was pleased with the result: I feel like I've still "got it."
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Today I Am

Personal, Projects
Lately, I've been making some simple doodles to entertain myself and remind me of all the things I am and can choose to be. I was sort of inspired by those posters you see with different emotions all over them (Today I am happy, sad, angry, etc.). In the back of my mind, I think that I might eventually put them together into a little desk accessory for self-expression like this: In the meantime, I will continue to add new ones to this post and also put them on the Facebook Feed.  
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DIY Embossing

So, I have a thing about personalized stationery - notecards, specifically. I've made several of my own monograms and imprinted them on notecards. Over the years, I think I've had 3 different custom monograms ranging from abstract to fancy. None of them have really stuck. Lately, I've been in more of a what-you-see-is-what-you-get phase of life. It seems like just have stationery that says "Jay" is sufficient. I've had an idea about do-it-yourself embossing, and here are the results. The process and results aren't perfect, but I think the method has promise. Here is my personal embosser, Mark I: From: To the embosser - bent and glued paper clips on a walnut (very hard wood) base with the reverse carved by hand: Pressed into cardstock to get the final result: Voila! Custom…
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Bristle Bots

Another foray into raising well-rounded geeky kids.  A few cheap toothbrushes, some vibrating pager motors, wires,  rubber bands, and batteries, and this is the result: I must admit, however, that they look like giant scuttling cockroaches in motion:  
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Stop Motion Video

I showed the kids the basics of stop motion filming recently.  They were completely responsible for the script and principle photography.  I assisted as sound engineer and editor.  Here are the results:
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